About Us
Our Club
The Great Dane Club of Central North Carolina, Inc. was formed in March 2004. We are AKC accredited and GDCA affiliated. We are certified to hold our very own specialty show. This club was founded to provide a place where all Dane owners can come together to share their knowledge and experiences.
The Great Dane Club of Central North Carolina is open to all those who love Great Danes and wish to protect and advance the interests of this breed. This club was founded in hopes of having a place where rescue workers, companion dog owners, breeders, exhibitors, judges, and anyone interested in Great Danes could come together.
We believe that in bringing together all of these people to share their knowledge and resources that we can truly carve out a better future for the Great Dane here in North Carolina. We believe through education, mentoring, and fellowship we can succeed.
The Great Dane Club of Central North Carolina is governed under a Constitution and Bylaws, defining the purpose and operation of the club.
GDCCNC's Constitution and Bylaws
Our club members pledge to follow a code of ethics.
Since our club is an affiliate of the Great Dane Club of America, we also pledge to follow the GDCA Breeders Code of Ethics and the GDCA Color Code.